Software Requirements:
- This Web Site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 6 or later at 1024x768 or 800x600 Resolution.
- The Site is Macromedia Flash Enabled, therefore the Macromedia Flash Plugin or Player is required to view certain portions of the site.
- The Internet Browser must have Javascript support.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view certain documents.

Training Requirements:
- The users should have attended the related lectures of each topic, at the Department of Management Science & Technology Graduate or Postgraduate Program
- The users should have read the related chapters of each topic, of the "Information Technology for Management" Coursebook, by Turban, McLean, Wetherbe

Site Guide:
- The user navigates to the courses by pressing the left hand-side menu, and by using the back and forward browser buttons.
- The "" button returns the user to the homepage of the site.